I just want to point out that this website was brat before Charli XCX made it a thing. I assume she took inspiration for her color scheme from me.
In other news, I am still not finished tying up my parents’ estate. Will I ever be finished? Unclear. But I do have a wild story for you.
My sister had been driving around this car my parents bought her in 2019. (Why did they never buy me a car??) I knew there was some issue with the title, but I thought—incorrectly—that she could handle it on her own.
Turns out that after my mom bought the car, she never titled it into my sister’s name. Then after mom died, my dad never titled it into his name or my sister’s name. Which is all to say: my sister had been driving a car owned by no one.
Enter the executor (me). I had to drive up there for a work conference anyway, so on Thursday my sister and I went to the DMV. The Illinois DMV, that is, because my mom originally bought and titled the car there.
My sister lives in Wisconsin. I live in Kentucky.
Because neither of us were Illinois residents, the DMV informed us that we couldn’t title the car into either of our names. Instead, we would have to title it into our mom’s estate, and only then could we retitle it into our own names or sell it. And of course, we’d have to fill out a bunch of paperwork and have it notarized first.
My sister went to work. I went to Starbucks and filled out all that paperwork, and then I went to the bank to get it notarized. Then I immediately went back to the DMV, where they processed it and told me they’d send the title my way.
In a month.
In the end, we used some of the money from the trust for a down payment on a new car for my sister, since she couldn’t legally keep driving no one’s car. Once I get the title, I’ll sell the old car to make up for the down payment.
Upon witnessing me at the DMV, my sister described me as “terrifying,” so I guess there’s that?