Making money is weird

In my weekly newsletter, The Columbarium (why aren’t you subscribed yet?), I recently added a link to a Ko-fi page so readers could tip me if they felt so inclined.

This is a perfectly rational choice and I don’t feel the need to defend myself. Except to myself. While I understand how much work I put into the newsletter, and that I’m not forcing readers to do anything they don’t want to, my polite-to-a-fault Midwestern brain feels tremendously guilty.

I suspect this is going to be one of my biggest struggles as a small business owner: pricing products in a way that feels fair to my audience but also keeps me afloat.

This is all to say: I have a product ready to go that should launch in the not-too-distant future. I’m excited about it! But I’m not excited about determining a price. If you have any good advice about that, drop me a line. I’d appreciate it.


The Columbarium: Medieval Times (not the fun kind)