Death Sabbatical

Bereavement leave is not required by law in the United States. My company gave me a whopping 5 days—and that’s generous, considering most Americans don’t get any bereavement leave.

But 5 days is simply not enough. I have accomplished a lot in the six months since my dad died: planned a memorial, filed life insurance claims, sold a house, car, and boat. But I’ve accomplished it while working my full-time job, caring for myself and my home, trying to maintain friendships, trying to maintain hobbies, and occasionally doing something fun. I am exhausted.

If I had the opportunity to pass a single federal law, I’d give every U.S. citizen a death sabbatical: one year and a modest monthly stipend to handle all the legal and financial logistics after a loved one dies without the extra pressure of a 40-hour work week. Not to mention time to mourn!

Alas, I do not have the opportunity to pass even a single federal law. But if you’re reading this and you wield enormous political power, drop me a line. Let’s do it.

The “how to sell your parents’ stuff” page is coming along slowly—it’s been busy at work lately. I also have some other dead parents stuff in the works. I’ll keep you posted.


My dead parents are in Insider


And we’re back